Thursday, December 27, 2007

Some of my favorites...

I thought I'd post some of my favorite Christmas decorations. I don't really think any of you care, I'm really just posting them so I can look back and remember. You know, for posterity's sake (or whatever...)

I found the "red church" at a garage sale last spring for $3!! It is one of my favorite Dicken's Village pieces and I was so glad to get it at such a steal. I'm sure the person who put it at the MOPS garage sale had no idea what it was really worth. Bummer for them.

Mary was pregnant at our house until Christmas morning. :) Shout out to Oma for that idea...great visual lesson for G Money.

Speaking of Oma, these are the stockings she made for the kids last year. I love them. I also love our downstairs room this time of year. the lighted garland against that red wall is so festive. You'd think I planned that.
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Amy Ross said...

I love your decorations...thanks for sharing! The pregnant Mary is a great idea! (Are those Willow Tree figures? I love them!!) Did you get any questions about how baby Jesus got out of her belly?? I know we would! You had lots of snow out there for Christmas too, didn't you? I'm jealous!

Marijke said...

Thanks for sharing, Boone. God gave children two Grandmothers for a reason, didn't He? I know you are glad that Shirley is one of yours 'cause this Oma doesn't seem to think of Xmas pajamas and stuff like that. I can do other things, though. Hey, you may have blogged for Posterity, but it wasn't only for her sake - Shirley and I thank you, too - as will the kids one day! -Love, Your Favorite Mom