Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mom, this pig is scary.

This picture makes me laugh out loud! I don't really know what to say about it because whenever I look at that sweet face to get some inspiration, I just laugh.

We took Miss Fatty to the doctor for her 2 month check up last Thursday. She is 10 weeks old and weighed in at 14.10. (!) I love this girl. She started "talking" to me this week. It's so fun.


Evelyn & Floyd said...

that face is priceless... sweet girl... she's going to kill us over these pictures one day.

Tootie said...

her expression MATCHES annie the pig's somehow! we need to get a shot of her sweet smile on here soon!

Blythe Owen Hunt said...

Erika, this picture made my day!!! She is too cutie, and I sent the link to my sisters, who all agreed. Thanks for posting this picture of Princess Piggy! :)She is darling!

Anonymous said...

She looks scared!! Just ask Jana about cutie pictures like this and she will tell you to burn them before it damages the poor child forever!!! =-)

Evelyn & Floyd said...

oh my goodness, i can't wait to meet her!

jaywalker said...

this made me laugh out loud!