Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Women's Retreat

Well, the reason I fell off the face of blogging world the last month was that I'd been preparing for the annual V7 Women's Retreat. For some crazy reason, the head of women's ministries asked me to be the speaker for this years retreat because she "believed I could do it." I was incredibly honored, but also VERY OVERWHELMED. After praying about it, I agreed to do ONE talk. Due to some circumstances (nobody else could do it) I ended up speaking THREE times. Let me tell you I have NEVER in my life felt more dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit. It is a good, good place to be. (I did know way in advance that I was going to have to speak three times, thankfully.)

One of the most fun things about the weekend was that Mom got to come! It was GREAT to have her there. We were the prom queen wanna-bes for Saturday night's dinner--both of us fit into our original prom dresses. (Mom looked FABULOUS!) And, Buena Vista was beautiful as always and Trail West pampered us once again. Man, I love it out there. Posted by Picasa


Stacy said...

I have one word...swanky...

too bad my prom dress looks EXACTLY like yours!


erika said...

i want to see...

Anonymous said...

Can I once again say that you were fabulous!! Also, Stacy, you should seen her up on the stage during the karaoke with the ladies doing a bit of disco groove. Crazy lady....don't think we didn't notice.

Evelyn & Floyd said...

Next time we are all together will you and mom dress up again? I would have liked to have seen that:)

karyn said...

btw, my mom said you were GREAT at the retreat!

(and that's a huge compliment)