Friday, May 26, 2006

I'm 6 Months Old Today!

I'm tired of this photo session.

look, I can sit!! (but just for a couple of seconds...)


Evelyn & Floyd said...

You see, even though I live with you, I still can't get enough of these cuties. Love the 6 month pics! :) -S

Anonymous said...


I fooooouuuuunnnnddd yoooooouuuuu!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I should give you a hint.....


Marijke said...

I can't wait to squeeze this Daniel boy and to see him sitting side by side with Olice - this week actually. No crawling or anything else please. You sure have cute babies, Erika! Give G another popsicle from his Oma, by the way.

Anonymous said...

aHA! i found you people! too bad i can't get you to convert to XANGA, as that's where mike and i have our blogs... so, I know that this is a terrible way to keep in touch, but our husbands are no good at it, so i'll just tell you the news right here. 1)we're moving to germany, and 2)we may have another baby at the end of this week! a girl! i'm a ball of nerves!

erika said...

jess--we totally read ya'lls blogs all the time! It's been so fun to keep up with y'all. We miss you!!!

erika said...

oh dear, "guess who"...there are so many people who know that name now. Word has gotten out. I'm gonna guess Russ--am I right??

Evelyn & Floyd said...

toooo cute... see you in TWO DAYS!!! i'll pray for safe, and SANE travels tomorrow...


Evelyn & Floyd said...

EB - you should post some more comparison shots of your two fuzz heads! :)