Sunday, April 23, 2006

check this out...

So, you know my very sweet friend is a very good photographer, right? She's been busy working on her new website and used MY SISTER'S wedding as a sample album. Maybe that's because Nancy looks like a model, or maybe its just because those pictures turned out so well. Just thought I'd share her link...enjoy!


Megan said...

Wow - she does look like a model! Great pix, btw.

Coming your way in June and looking forward to being back at V7 for a Sunday morning...

Marijke said...

I loved the album - especially the picture of when we first found out that Daniel was on the way! Ha Ha. See if anyone else can guess which shot that was! - your mom

erika said...

megan--when are you coming in June? We'll be gone until the 24th!! I hope we can see you!!