Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Happy Birthday, G Money!

Do you ever have a day that you just don't want to end? I realized last night as I was washing dishes that yesterday was one of those days. My boy turned FOUR. I used to think that sounded so old, but he still just seems like my little man. He is so proud of being four, though. The day before his birthday he kept saying, "I just can't believe I'm going to be FOUR tomorrow!" I love that serious side of him.

So, back to the dishes. I was cleaning up from the aftermath of the party and listening to G-Money and his Daddy building a model airplane (thanks, Shinny!) and just thought, I don't want to put him to bed yet. I don't want this day to end. It was such a fun day and he was so happy all day long. I didn't realize until Pops called to chat just how exhausted he was. He could hardly carry on a conversation and just kept drifting off into Garrison land. So...he and D-struction went off to bed. It was a big day for both of them.

My sweet friend gave ME a present for G's birthday. I think she likes to make me cry. I can't believe she has that many pictures of my boy. Crazy. You should check it out. It's a precious, precious gift for me. (G liked it, too.)

I'll try to post some pictures of the ROCKET SHIP BIRTHDAY PARTY!! Aunt Shinny has more on her camera, so you may have to wait on some of them. Here's one of the four friends eating their pizza together.

Don't be fooled by the picture. These kids all brought their younger siblings, so we had about 11 kids there. After pizza we ate rocket-ship cake and then played a rousing game of "Rocket, Rocket, BLAST OFF!" (which is duck, duck, goose...modified. :) everyone had to BLAST OFF at the same time, so that was fun.)

G opening his present from Daniel and Caroline.

They just grow way too fast. Everyone tells me that. I feel like I'm watching it happen right before my eyes.

G and I had a conversation a few weeks ago that went like this:
"I think I'm going to put a brick on your head."
"What? Why, Mommy?"
"Because I want you to stop growing and stay just the way you are."
"No, Mommy. You can't do that. I want to grow up to be a man just like Daddy."

I really want that, too, G. Grow up to be just like your Daddy. He's a great man.
We LOVE you, G. Happy Birthday!!


Tootie said...

you have to WARN me when you are going to post like this. Thank goodness I don't have my mascara on yet. I just love that little nephew-man of mine!

Sarah R. said...

wow. 4 years! crazy how time flies.
our oldest one turns 3 later this month and i have many of the same feelings that you do. god knew what he was doing when he gave us mama's baby steps to take in letting go...

Marijke said...

I loved the picture of the birthday friends and could see one of the younger kids in the background - Daniel? - chained to his high chair possibly? Oh what have I missed THIS time?

Evelyn & Floyd said...

oh that brought on the tears. Having a little boy is such a different kind of thing from anything else in this world. They just "love you so good" as Olice said to me the other day.

BKicklighter said...

Can't believe our babies are FOUR either. Love what he said about his daddy - made me tear up. Miss you! And miss watching your babies grow.