Thursday, September 21, 2006

Dancing King

We went down to the docks in Annapolis tonight and ate dinner down by the water. There was a little jazz band playing and G Money LOVED the music. He made friends with the lion and they did a little number together.


Evelyn & Floyd said...

i mean, where did the social butterfly come from? His parents are relatively quiet people, i am just wondering when he came out of his shell so much. I think he's trying to impress Grace.

Evelyn & Floyd said...

Well, at least there is no question where his dance moves come from. Hello, have you SEEN Bryan get his groove on? -S

Evelyn & Floyd said...

Maybe it's when his daddy's missing that he just naturally takes on the 'oldest male' role; this might be his true self coming out! I can't wait to see more in a couple of weeks! - Oma

Anonymous said...

Cute Cute Cute Cute!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously adorable!!

jaywalker said...

it's not a carnival unless there's a random life-size animal dancing. say hi to our birth momma if you see her. . .

erika said...

Jaywalkers--you CRACK ME UP. I need to spend more time with you...wonder when that'll ever happen again. :(

Anonymous said...

How cute! It's fun to get on your blog again, Erika, and even more fun to know ya'll were just in Maryland visiting the Richardsons!!! Wow, has little Daniel grown. I love his hair in the Opening Day of football season pics!

Love you and hope to talk with you soon!