Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Nutty Berry

This is our friend "Nutty Berry." G-Money named him last summer when he started coming around. I know it seems stupid to blog about this creature...I mean, REALLY. I shouldn't even give him the attention he so craves.

We came home from the store one day and found a little hole nibbled out of G's pumpkin. Well, we caught him. He is UNASHAMED. Needless to say, the pumpkin is completely gone now and we have one fat squirrel hanging out in our tree. He's begs and "talks" to me when I come outside. It's hard to ignore him, but I'm afraid he'll invite himself in if I give him too much attention.

Seriously, the squirrels out here are a different breed.


Tootie said...

nutty berry is JUST like the impertinent squirrel nutkin of ms. potter's day. perhaps our squirrels are descendants of that strand.

jaywalker said...

at least he's friendly. my mom hates squirrels but hates hurting them even worse, so she traps them in this big nice trap with some peanut butter and takes them out to the woods. doesn't really help her squirrel problem though.

Evelyn & Floyd said...

that is just amazing. I think our attic squirrels are pretty audacious. Maybe they're taking a page out of the Nutty Berry book.