I feel pretty lame that I haven't blogged in so long. But...I'm moving on and I'm just going to do what I can these days. We've hit a new level with Baby C becoming mobile--she is crawling everywhere, climbing the stairs, and cruising. Gone are the days where she would sit contentedly and watch her brothers play! This girl's gotta move. She turned 1 on Saturday and I'm still in disbelief. Where did the year go?! We just had a small family party and ate pink cupcakes. Yum. :)
I'm trying to remember the last month...oh, yes.
Bryan went to the ER the end of March with a severe sore throat. (I know, it sounds lame, but the man couldn't swallow...it wasn't like our last ER visit the day G came home from the hospital. That's a whole different post.) While we were there, they ran several tests including a CT scan which revealed a large lump on his thyroid. Our family doc sent him on to a specialist who wanted to do a biopsy. We had the biopsy the end of April and the doctor called us THE NEXT DAY with the results. (Getting a call immediately after a biopsy is never a good sign...) SO. We went into the office and basically they couldn't tell from the biopsy if the tumor was cancer, so they wanted to take a closer look. (Open him up and get it out.) I called Tootie, the brilliant oncology nurse, who said, "Oh, Boone. If you're going to get cancer, thyroid cancer is the best kind to get!!" She almost sounded excited about it. :) ha!!! We really felt God's hand on us--both of us were really at peace. It was good.
Bryan had the surgery May 6 and they removed 1/2 of his thyroid. Tests came back: NO CANCER! Praise God. He is a little less lumpy these days. :)
Nana came to visit and help us during the week of the surgery. She was such a blessing!
I guess I've also been busy selling jewelry, and I've been recruited to teach G-Money's Sunday school class. BUT...I'm going to make this blog more of a priority this month.
Watch out--the sistas are coming. I'm going to have 6 kids (sometimes 8) under the age of 4 in this house. Hubby is leaving town--can you blame him?!
Pictures to come...