Thursday, July 20, 2006


Mommy: "G, where is your horse going?"
G: "To the farm!"
M: "Oh how fun! Who is he going to see at the farm?"
G: "kittens."
M: "How many kittens?"
G: "2"
M: "What color are they?"
G: "red and neen"
M: "what are they doing?"

That is really what it all comes back to in our house. Baseball, Airplanes, and Dirty Trash Trucks.

Also overheard yesterday morning when I was getting breakfast for him (pictured above--a happy face on his yogurt), a little voice from the table piped up, "I am apple juice man!!"


Stacy said...

sweet friend, that sounds like so much fun. ...garrison, we love you and miss you...stacy and grace...

Anonymous said...

I love that bed head!!!
We just got back from 2 weeks in B'ham so I am catching up on your blog. It makes me really miss y'all. Our kids would have so much fun together. You will be getting a picture of Knox soon. He is precious if I do say so myself. (:
Love y'all,

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, he is a funny one!! I love it when parents make smart and funny kids.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

These pictures are great, Erika! It's so fun to read about your life...I can't believe how big Garrison is. Say hi to the Springs for us! Love, Bryonie