Wednesday, September 20, 2006

We're in MD!

We left early this morning to see our friends in Maryland! It is so good to be here and G Money is SO happy to be back with his "duh." (They call eachother that and have done so since they learned to talk.) Tonight the ICE CREAM TRUCK came to the neighborhood and G Money had his very first experience...oh the joy! It really made his night when the lady let him get inside the truck. He thought he was BIG stuff.


Evelyn & Floyd said...

Oh my goodness! More pictures, please! Grace looks like she is just showing G the ropes. They look adorable together!! Hey Stacy!

Evelyn & Floyd said...

I'm so glad I happened to call when you were headed for the ice cream truck. If only you could have recorded the sounds of glee that I heard!! - Oma

jaywalker said...

does this mean that we will not be arranging the marriage of g-money to b-ellie?